Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] This podcast is produced by audiophy.
[00:00:05] Welcome to Devotions with Bishop where faith meets everyday life.
[00:00:14] Join me as I share inspiring insights, explore biblical truths, and offer practical wisdom to deepen your spiritual journey.
[00:00:26] Whether you're seeking encouragement or a fresh perspective on your walk with God, this podcast is your guiding light.
[00:00:35] I'm your host, Bishop Hurson Gonzalez.
[00:00:40] Let's embark on this transformative journey together.
[00:00:49] Heavenly Father, we gather today to reflect on your word. Open our hearts and open our minds. Help us to understand and embrace the lessons you have for us today. In Jesus name, Amen.
[00:01:04] Our reflection today comes From Matthew chapter 7:7:8 Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and anyone who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
[00:01:25] In this passage, Jesus provides a profound promise. He invites us into a relationship of active pursuit and persistent faith. It's an assurance that our prayers are not in vain and our efforts to connect with God will not go unnoticed.
[00:01:45] Ask When Jesus says, ask and it shall be given to you, he's encouraging us to bring our requests to God confidently.
[00:01:56] Asking is an act of humility and faith, acknowledging our dependence on Him.
[00:02:02] It's important to remember that asking is not about demanding what we want, but aligning our desires with God's will. James 4:3 reminds us that when we ask with wrong motives, we may not receive what we request. Therefore, asking should be coupled with a heart open to God's greater plan for our lives.
[00:02:28] Seeking implies a deeper level of engagement. It goes beyond asking.
[00:02:34] It is an active pursuit of God's presence and wisdom.
[00:02:38] Seeking involves our whole being, mind, body and Soul. In Jeremiah 29:13, God promises, you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. This is an invitation to delve deeper into our relationship with God, searching the Scriptures and spending time in his presence to understand his character and his will for our lives.
[00:03:07] Knock Knocking represents persistence. It's not a one time action, but a continuous effort. Jesus illustrates the importance of perseverance in prayer. Sometimes doors may not open immediately, but consistent knocking shows our commitment and trust in God's timing. I really like it. In the amplified version it says ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you. Seek and keep on seeking and you will find. Knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.
[00:03:46] God's Promise the promise attached to these actions is significant for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds. And to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. This is not a guarantee of getting exactly what we want, but a promise of God's response. God hears and answers every prayer, sometimes with yes and sometimes with no, and often with weight. His responses are rooted in his perfect wisdom and love for us.
[00:04:26] Thank you for joining us on Devotions with Bishop.
[00:04:30] I hope that today's message has uplifted and inspired you. Stay connected, keep the faith and remember that God's love is with you every step of the way. Until next time, May you be blessed and encouraged in all that you do. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and share with others who might need a little bit of inspiration. We'll see you next time.